> On Apr 13, 2020, at 08:55 , Andrew Dul <andrew....@quark.net> wrote:
> David, Thanks for your comments.   
> On 3/26/2020 4:08 PM, David Farmer wrote:
>> I support this policy as written. 
>> However, I recommend a minor editorial change and a small change to the 
>> policy;
>> 1. I would prefer to not use "smaller" or "less" when referring to /24 or 
>> longer prefixes, such use is somewhat ambiguous, this has been discussed 
>> many times on PPML.
> Noted.

Yes, though I’m not 100% sure that the conversation settled on consensus for 
those particular approaches.

Personally, I think that when we are discussing amount of address space, we 
should use “More than”, “Less than”, “Larger than”, “Smaller than”, and refer 
not to “/24”, but “equivalent of /24” or “/24 equivalent(s)”.

However, when we are specifically talking about prefix length (i.e. exactly a 
specific prefix, not some collection of 1 or more blocks adding up to X amount 
of address space), we should use the terms “longer” or “shorter” (e.g. "The 
longest prefix ARIN will issue in IPv4 is a /24”, “Requests for IPv6 prefixes 
shorter than /16 will be treated as multiple /16s”).

>> 2. I really like the idea of automatically increasing the IPv6 allocation to 
>> /36 when the IPv4 allocation increases beyond /24. How about also 
>> automatically increasing the IPv6 allocation to /32 when the IPv4 allocation 
>> increases beyond /22?
> The goal of this policy is to create IPv6 allocation sizes such that a 
> current IPv4 organization which is currently 3X-small can obtain an IPv6 
> allocation without their fees going up.  Today this issue only occurs with 
> 3x-small.  If we were to implement this other change I believe this would 
> cause the text to move beyond the current problem statement.  
I think this is actually a good idea. I suggest checking with RS on whether 
he’s amenable to amending the problem statement.

If not, I will work with David off line to create a second proposal to address 
this issue. The reason we have /36s in the first place is sort of the next rung 
up of the same problem, so applying the same automation to that situation 
really does make a lot of sense and, in my mind is within scope of the spirit 
of the problem statement, even if not within the letter of the law for same.
> I will also like to note, that this issue could also be remedied by the board 
> adopting a small change to the fee schedule such that the 3x-small IPv6 
> holdings do not force a change in category for 3x-small organizations. This 
> would cause 3x-small organization's fees to be primarily determined by their 
> IPv4 holdings not their IPv6 holdings.
We/ve tried to ask the board to take this approach in the past with zero 
> While the community doesn't have purview over fees we have input into that 
> process.  If this is something that we would strongly like to prefer as a 
> solution to this problem.  We can make this as a strong suggestion to the 
> board for their consideration.
Mr. Quixote, Windmill… Windmill, Mr. Quixote.


> Andrew
>> Thanks
>> On Tue, Mar 24, 2020 at 12:22 PM ARIN <i...@arin.net <mailto:i...@arin.net>> 
>> wrote:
>> Draft Policy ARIN-2020-3: IPv6 Nano-allocations
>> Problem Statement:
>> ARIN's fee structure provides a graduated system wherein organizations
>> pay based on the amount of number resources they consume.
>> In the case of the very smallest ISPs, if a 3X-Small ISP (with a /24 or 
>> smaller of IPv4) gets the present minimal-sized IPv6 allocation (a /36), 
>> its annual fees will double from $250 to $500/year.
>> According to a Policy Experience Report presented by Registration 
>> Services to the AC at its annual workshop in January 2020, this 
>> represents a disincentive to IPv6 adoption with a substantial fraction 
>> of so-situated ISPs saying "no thanks" and abandoning their request for 
>> IPv6 number resources when informed of the impact on their annual fees.
>> This can be addressed by rewriting subsection 6.5.2(b). Initial 
>> Allocation Size to allow allocation of a /40 to only the smallest ISPs 
>> upon request, and adding a new clause 6.5.2(g) to cause an automatic 
>> upgrade to at least a /36 in the case where the ISP is no longer 3X-Small.
>> Reserving /40s only for organizations initially expanding into IPv6 from 
>> an initial sliver of IPv4 space will help to narrowly address the 
>> problem observed by Registration Services while avoiding unintended 
>> consequences by accidentally giving a discount for undersized allocations.
>> Policy Statement:
>> Replace the current 6.5.2(b) with the following:
>> b. In no case shall an LIR receive smaller than a /32 unless they
>> specifically request a /36 or /40.
>> In order to be eligible for a /40, an ISP must meet the following 
>> requirements:
>>   * Hold IPv4 direct allocations totaling a /24 or less (to include zero)
>>   * Hold IPv4 reassignments/reallocations totaling a /22 or less (to 
>> include zero)
>> In no case shall an ISP receive more than a /16 initial allocation.
>> Add 6.5.2(g) as follows:
>> g. An LIR that requests a smaller /36 or /40 allocation is entitled to 
>> expand the allocation to any nibble aligned size up to /32 at any time 
>> without renumbering or additional justification.  /40 allocations shall 
>> be automatically upgraded to /36 if at any time said LIR's IPv4 direct 
>> allocations exceed a /24. Expansions up to and including a /32 are not 
>> considered subsequent allocations, however any expansions beyond /32 are 
>> considered subsequent allocations and must conform to section 6.5.3. 
>> Downgrades of any IPv6 allocation to less than a /36 are not permitted 
>> regardless of the ISP's current or former IPv4 number resource holdings.
>> Comments:
>> The intent of this policy proposal is to make IPv6 adoption at the very 
>> bottom end expense-neutral for the ISP and revenue-neutral for ARIN. The 
>> author looks forward to a future era wherein IPv6 is the dominant 
>> technology and IPv4 is well in decline and considered optional leading 
>> the Community to conclude that sunsetting this policy is prudent in the 
>> interests of avoiding an incentive to request undersized IPv6 allocations.
>> Timetable for implementation: Immediate
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>> -- 
>> ===============================================
>> David Farmer               Email:far...@umn.edu 
>> <mailto:email%3afar...@umn.edu>
>> Networking & Telecommunication Services
>> Office of Information Technology
>> University of Minnesota   
>> 2218 University Ave SE        Phone: 612-626-0815
>> Minneapolis, MN 55414-3029   Cell: 612-812-9952
>> =============================================== 
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