
Pretty good and clear explanation.
I am glad that more most people seem to reject the idea that IP leasing may be a good or even justified thing, including for those who end up paying for it.

On 08/09/2021 22:33, John Curran wrote:
On 8 Sep 2021, at 5:02 PM, Owen DeLong <o...@delong.com <mailto:o...@delong.com>> wrote:
On Sep 7, 2021, at 11:03 , John Curran <jcur...@arin.net <mailto:jcur...@arin.net>> wrote:
The conservation principle an overall principle contained in section 1 – i.e. "1. Principles and Goals of the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)” i

As such, the issuance of number resources must be for “*a technical need for them in support of operational networks."*

Right… And an LIR’s customers with operational networks would be such a valid technical need regardless of where or how that LIR’s customers connected those networks to whatever other networks. What am I missing?

Owen -

That would be a valid technical need for IP address space, but it is not the ISP’s technical need driven by their operational networks (unless the ISP is providing some connectivity services.)

A  customer with an operational network could easily have technical need for additional IP address space – for example, a customer which has the need for additional space to grow their network can come to ARIN and get more space per policy.

They do distribute IP addresses to their customers as a result of the provision of their network services.

So this is still another organization’s technical need for number resources. It’s not the LIR’s need for number resources,
it’s their customers’ need for those resources. That’s my point.

It is interesting how hard you try to twist interpretation against plain language, common sense, and ARIN’s entire history of existing  practice – all in order to make leasing to address space to parties have no relation to your network services somehow now be a valid technical need for more address space.

Under such a theory, the first LIR at ARIN could claim that they have technical need for more blocks to support their forthcoming leasing to all cloud providers in North America (a lot of need indeed)…   The fact that you have business relationship with a party does not make _their_ technical requirements somehow into _your_ technical requirements.

On the other hand. when an ISP connects a customer to the Internet, they often do need to supply some address space to the customer for use in the customer’s network - it might be a single IP address for a customer CPE, or it could be an large block because the customer wants all of the devices on their internal network to now have Internet access – i.e. precisely why they purchased Internet service.   The address space needed by the ISP is a valid technical need because ISP requires it for the connectivity service being provisioned, even if some of it is sub-assigned and utilized on customers network infrastructure.

This is common practice, and nearly everyone in the ARIN ISP community is both aware of it and has submitted resource requests accordingly.

Principle applies the same either way.   As you noted, there is a way around that - provision VPN services with IP address as a component of that service.

OK, so as long as GRE tunnels that never actually carry traffic are created as a fig leaf to cover the lease, it’s OK and within policy, ...

Incorrect, as that is not what I said – at no point did I say “VPN services that never carry traffic” represent a valid technical need.

A party which indicates on their resource request that their technical need is driven by growth in VPN services that _never_ will carry any actual traffic would be obviously be engaging in some creative fabrication, and thus declined.

but without such GRE tunnels, you believe it to be a violation of policy.

Glad to have you on record for this (though still not convinced that’s what the policy manual actually says).

As noted above, you can try to reinterpret the policy language all day to justify leasing as a valid need for number resources, but that’s contrary to the understanding of the ARIN community and more than two decades of operating practice.

If you really want to change ARIN’s existing number resource policy to meet your creative new world view, please put in a policy proposal to make the change and let the community discuss and decide whether solely utilization due to leasing of address space to others should be considered a valid need for receiving additional number resource issuance.


John Curran
President and CEO
American Registry for Internet Numbers

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