Hi Paul,


I would prefer the discussion happen with as much publicity as possible,
because to my mind, the Board has too much control already, and there is too
much darkness in the processes. Let's shine some light.


So private feedback to John or individual Board members doesn't provide the
equal playing field that I think would be attainable with a frank and public
discussion.  How much weight does a Board member place on a single opinion
versus one debated and endorsed openly?


Remember we are in a context without ARIN-DISCUSS, facing an obvious
governance problem right now. Maybe waiting for another review cycle is too






From: Paul Andersen - ARIN <p...@arin.net> 
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2021 2:48 PM
To: John Curran <jcur...@arin.net>
Cc: Mike Burns <m...@iptrading.com>
Subject: Re: [arin-ppml] ARIN Announces the Final Slate of Candidates for
the 2021 ARIN Elections



The Board is already doing Governance Review work through its Governance
Working Group which already had several changes under consideration for
member feedback. It is also our standard process that we do a review after
the election to feed changes into the next cycle which generally has to
start in January.


Feedback can be provided by emailing myself or John who will collect and
forward to the Board, reach out to your local Board member or use the ACSP. 




On Oct 19, 2021, at 2:45 PM, John Curran <jcur...@arin.net
<mailto:jcur...@arin.net> > wrote:


On 19 Oct 2021, at 2:07 PM, Mike Burns <m...@iptrading.com
<mailto:m...@iptrading.com> > wrote:


I would also like to move forward. 

How are such changes made, do we just hope the Board is floating above,
listening and maybe acting?

Or is there a more formal process involved in governance process changes?


Mike - 


As I noted previously - 


To that end, I would strongly advise that immediately after this election
completes you submit whatever suggestions you have for improvement of ARIN's
elections to the ARIN suggestion and consultation process
<https://www.arin.net/participate/community/acsp/process/> so that they get
formal consideration. 





John Curran

President and CEO

American Registry for Internet Numbers


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