Those links Marty sent read like the ACSP is the burial place for suggestions.

I want this issue public so the Board can’t bury this.


The petition results speak plainly to a NomCom run amok, making decisions to 
filter qualified candidates from consideration.

That is not their raison d’etre and yet the NomCom will be run exactly in the 
same manner next time around unless we take this rare opportunity to point out 
a problem publicly and address it publicly.


If qualified candidates who were rejected did not speak up, it would be very 
easy to dismiss or ignore this issue.


Rather than shunt it to the ACSP maybe the Board can come up with a statement, 
at least acknowledging this particular problem as an issue of specific concern, 
maybe even solicit public input?





From: Martin Hannigan <> 
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2021 3:44 PM
To: John Curran <>
Cc: Mike Burns <>; Owen DeLong via ARIN-PPML 
Subject: Re: [arin-ppml] ARIN Announces the Final Slate of Candidates for the 
2021 ARIN Elections




Hi John,


Doesn't seem suitable for the ASCP based on these responses:


The ASCP seems most suitable for website improvements.


Warm regards,






On Tue, Oct 19, 2021 at 2:45 PM John Curran < 
<> > wrote:

On 19 Oct 2021, at 2:07 PM, Mike Burns < 
<> > wrote:


I would also like to move forward. 

How are such changes made, do we just hope the Board is floating above, 
listening and maybe acting?

Or is there a more formal process involved in governance process changes?


Mike - 


As I noted previously - 


To that end, I would strongly advise that immediately after this election 
completes you submit whatever suggestions you have for improvement of ARIN's 
elections to the ARIN suggestion and consultation process 
<> so that they get 
formal consideration. 





John Curran

President and CEO

American Registry for Internet Numbers


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