crowd-funded eco-conscious hardware: https://www.crowdsupply.com/eoma68

On Sat, Feb 11, 2017 at 2:43 PM, Julie Marchant <onp...@riseup.net> wrote:

> And this is especially bad considering that of all the distros you
> offered, Debian is the most user-friendly, if you distribute *stable,
> stock* Debian. That was the only reason why I ordered some Debian cards.

 if you misunderstood and believed that you were buying a product,
that you were placing an order, as opposed to helping reach the goal
of bringing ethically-developed eco-conscious computing devices to
mass-volume, then on the basis that i can only accept money from
people who are 100% happy with the service that i am providing i am
obligated, even though the components have been ordered from the
factory, to offer you the opportunity to have your money returned to
you.  100% integrity is *that* important to me, it takes *absolute*

 one of

> Knowing that you are not delivering what I want to be on the card that
> I'm going to give to my mother, I see now that this was completely
> pointless. I'm going to have to do all of the work to make sure she has
> a system she can use properly because you refuse to cooperate just by
> delivering the current, stable, stock Debian.

 it's actually very simple to do (i wish it was as easy as using
debian-installer): either find someone else's rootfs and literally
just drop it onto the microsd card, or, if you cannot trust random
arbitrary downloads from the internet of 4 gigabytes in size, look up
debian qemu or debootstrap foreign architectures (which use qemu in
headless mode i believe to run the final pre-preparation steps), and
the job's pretty much done in under an hour.

 ... ah!  here you are:

it's really amazingly straightforward.

> This is not something that personally affects me very much; I should be
> able to figure out how to install Debian on my own, and I was planning
> to do so anyway.

 great.  it would be very helpful if you could document that process,
so that others can benefit and also help you out.

> But you are making it needlessly difficult for your
> project to succeed by taking this zealous hardline stance against
> systemd;

 julie: i'm sleeping for about 12 to 14 hours a day, i've some sort of
virus that's affected my health for over 25 years and is increasing in
its virulence, i haven't the *time* or energy to be zealous.

 it's much simpler than you imagine it to be, and it's down  to a
pathological systemic flaw in the way that software libre is developed
(as a world-wide community).   i'm deeply disturbed by the way in
which systemd has been developed and deployed: it's unethical in ways
that go beyond acceptable boundaries which the actual *software
license* simply doesn't cover.  i haven't the time or energy to spend
on it, and its unethical development and deployment is not something i
can endorse or distribute to people who are trusting me to deliver
them ethically-developed hardware *and software*.

 i don't expect everyone to understand that.


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