On 2017-05-11 at 06:57:00 +0000, Lyberta wrote:
> Believing in religion is like buying Apple's iPhone. Sure, it's shiny,
> it has apps, you may feel good about yourself. But most people don't
> understand how much they sacrifice by using it. Like downloading apps
> not from Apple Store or not be constantly surveilled.

Well, some people have faith, and they don't have a choice in having it
or not. Personally I feel it's like having another sense like smell:
imprecise, prone to misunderstanding, but it's there and those who have
it cannot deny that they feel something.

Did I mention "imprecise"? Understanding *what* that something is is a
whole different matter, and historically lots of people who claimed who
know have been proved (or strongly suspected) to lie for their own

> Religion is the cause of most homophobia and transphobia in the world.
> LGBT people get executed by ISIS, get imprisoned by Chechens and get
> discriminated in most of the world.

well, not really. power and lust for it is the cause of most *phobia in
the world; homosexual and trans people are among the minorities that are
currently used as an easy target to turn people's insatisfaction with
the current situation on, like in the past it was the jews (and
homosexuals, and jehowa's witnesses, etc) in germany, the japanese in
the US during the war and the communists afterwards, etc. 

Some of it uses the excuse of religion, some of race, some of politics,
but the shared factor is that they are all minorities that are big
enough to be visible, but small enough that the people in power (or who
want to get in power) don't feel them as a danger.

Elena ``of Valhalla''

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