Chris Rasch wrote:

> My current level of understanding of econometrics and statistics is such that I
> don't feel qualified to evaluate the arguments presented in the recent exchange
> between Brian and Chris regarding the merits (or lack thereof) of Murry and
> Herrnstein's research in The Bell Curve.  Assuming I wanted to remedy that
> situation, what texts would you recommend I study to learn the vocabulary and to
> at least recognize when a good (or bad) argument is being made?

I agree with Bryan's response, however, I would suggest that picking
up a copy of Kennedy's _A Guide to Econometrics_ would be worthwhile.
It's cheap and contains non-technical and very lucid discussion of
the major issues.  I use it as a required supplementary text for first
year grad metrics.

Chris Auld                          (403)220-4098
Economics, University of Calgary    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Calgary, Alberta, Canada            <URL:>

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