On Fri, Jun 06, 2003 at 09:29:34AM -0400, Richard L. white wrote:
>     Ignoring the utility of the money to the target charity today, e.g.,
> food or medicine to live, 

But the money will have a greater utility tomorrow (since there will be 
more of it). Unless you think there will be less needy people in the 

> the money value of the PV should also be reduced
> by the tax benefit you have forgone by not making the donation today.

Well, that's true. But over the long run the PV is still greater if I hold 
on to the money. Also, if my argument is correct, government policy should 
be changed to take it into account. For example, one should be able to 
obtain tax benefits for putting money into an individual charity account, 
similar to the way IRAs work.

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