
In the paper: FIRMA: a method for detection of alternative splicing
from exon array data, Purdom et. al.

the figures, such as the first figure, in "Supplementary Data 2 - pdf
file", it looks like a call to gdPlot was made with a list containing
title, FIRMA scores heatmap, ExonArray with residuals, and so on.

Would someone have a snippet of code they would share that shows the
way to create the FIRMA scores heatmap in such a way that it can be
passed to gdPlot?

The nice example at http://aroma-project.org/node/61 doesn't show how
to do such a heatmap. I've looked into all the documentation and email
responses I can find, but to no avail.

I'd be very grateful.

Thanks much,
Richard P. Beyer, Ph.D. University of Washington
Tel.:(206) 616 7378 Env. & Occ. Health Sci. , Box 354695
Fax: (206) 685 4696 4225 Roosevelt Way NE, # 100
Seattle, WA 98105-6099

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