Hello everybody,

first of all, thanks for providing this forum, it really helps me alot in my
data analysis. :)

second, my problem: I have 2 costum exon CDFs with CEL files respectively. I
want to find differential splicing using FIRMA. It seems that I have after
applying the commands from the aroma.org vignette:

 plmTr <- ExonRmaPlm(csN, mergeGroups=TRUE)
 fit(plmTr, unit=NULL, verbose=verbose, force=force) # this takes a while!
 firma <- FirmaModel(plmTr)
 fit(firma, verbose=verbose) # this takes a while!
 # get the firma scores
 fs <- getFirmaScores(firma)
 # take the log2 of the firma scores
 fsScores <- log2(extractDataFrame(fs)) 

no group information is available, I have only annotations based on exons:

> str(fsScores)
'data.frame':   143259 obs. of  9 variables:
 $ unit                                 : num  0 1 1.58 2 2.32 ...
 $ group                                : num  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
 $ cell                                 : num  0 1 1.58 2 2.32 ...
 $ caquinof_20090625_Flower1_Affy_new-v4: num  0.235 -0.183 -0.177 -0.111
-0.094 ...
 $ caquinof_20090625_Flower2_Affy_new-v4: num  0.02462 -0.21418 -0.00289
-0.04531 0.03572 ...
 $ caquinof_20090625_Flower3_Affy_new-v4: num  -0.0528 -0.2674 0.0483
-0.0398 -0.0789 ...
 $ caquinof_20090625_Leaf1_Affy_new-v4  : num  -0.0151 -0.1455 -0.3472
-0.2368 -0.0481 ...
 $ caquinof_20090625_Leaf2_Affy_new-v4  : num  -0.207 -0.0648 -0.1754
-0.1012 -0.4942 ...
 $ caquinof_20090625_Leaf3_Affy_new-v4  : num  -0.194 0.1359 0.1802 -0.4697
0.0343 ...

were variables 4-6 are flower replicates and 7-9 leaf replicates of
arabidopsis plant.
But I can get the group information (exons per transcript) from the exon
one example: 

exon annotation = 'AT1G01040.0.Chr1.plus.26862.27012'
transcript annotation =  'AT1G01040.0'

Now, I want to 'insert' the transcript annotation as 'group' variable and I
found the method 'SetMergeGroup':

I tried to use it like this: 


but then comes the Error 

Fehler in UseMethod("setMergeGroups") : 
  nicht anwendbare Methode für 'setMergeGroups' auf Objekt der Klasse 
"c('double', 'numeric')" angewendet
which means this:
Error in UseMethod("setMergeGroups"):
 not applicable method for 'setMergeGroups' for object of the class 
'numeric')" applied.

Could you tell me how to use tis method properly? Do I have some wrong 
assumptions in my data processing step?

thanks alot for your expertise in advance,

Best wishes,

Marlen Müller
Masterstudent at the Plant Biotechnology Group,
ETH Zurich

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