Hi all,
I am processing some affymetrix exon arrays and trying to compute FIRMA scores. 
I did this for all CEL files and now I just want to exclude some CEL files from 
the analysis without removing them from the rawData folder 
(rawData/mice2010/MoEx-1_0-st-v1/). I use the extract method to select 38 of 
the 107 files CEL files.  

cs <- AffymetrixCelSet$byName("mice2010", cdf=cdf)

In the message I get from running the code I can see a line saying " Reading 
residuals unit by unit for 107 arrays...done" and I was wondering if this means 
that all 107 files were used in fitting the firma model or not.

20110921 10:13:29| Array #37 ('102_R860')...done
20110921 10:13:29| Array #38 ('107_R955')...
20110921 10:13:29|  Pathname: 
20110921 10:13:29|  Already calculated.
20110921 10:13:29| Array #38 ('107_R955')...done
           used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) max used (Mb)
 Ncells  451249 24.1     818163 43.7   818163 43.7
 Vcells 1233293  9.5    2371218 18.1  2104276 16.1
20110921 10:13:34|Calculating PLM residuals...done
20110921 10:13:34|Fitting model of class FirmaModel...
 Data set: mice2010
 Chip type: MoEx-1_0-st-v1,coreR1,A20080718,MR
 Input tags: coreR1,A20080718,MR,QN,RMA,merged
 Output tags: coreR1,A20080718,MR,QN,RMA,merged,FIRMA,medres
 Parameters: (probeModel: chr "pm"; shift: num 0).
 RAM: 0.00MB
20110921 10:13:34| Identifying non-estimated units...
20110921 10:13:37|  Identifying non-assigned units in FIRMA file...
20110921 10:13:37|   Pathname: 
20110921 10:13:37|  Identifying non-assigned units in FIRMA file...done
20110921 10:13:37|  Reading data for these 17831 units...
20110921 10:14:24|   Looking for pixels == 0 indicating non-assigned units:
    int [1:17831] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...

 10:16:31|    readCelUnits() of AffymetrixCelSet...done
20110921 10:16:31|   Calling readUnits() in superclass...done
20110921 10:16:35|  Reading residuals unit by unit for 107 arrays...done
20110921 10:16:35|  Calculating FIRMA scores...

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