Hi Rico,
using the RicoD_20111003.RData file [8021939 bytes] you've sent me:
> data <- loadObject("RicoD_20111003.RData");> str(data);'data.frame':   
> 2458697 obs. of  5 variables: $ chromosome: int  NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 
> NA ... $ position  : int  NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ... $ betaN     : num 
>  NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... $ is23      : logi  FALSE FALSE 
> FALSE ...> attachLocally(data);
I conclude that the exception thrown by callXXorXY() is likely to be
correct, because there is something wrong with your allele B fractions
for the normal ('betaN'), because:
 plotDensity(betaN[chromosome < 23])
does not show three clear modes as you would expect for normal
autosomal chromosomes (chr 1-19), cf. attached figure.  Also, plotting
the normal BAFs along the genome indicates something is odd with your
Could it be that you're looking at, say, a tumor sample?
On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 1:57 PM, Henrik Bengtsson
<henrik.bengts...@aroma-project.org> wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 6:46 AM, Rico.Daniel <dr...@cnio.es> wrote:
>> Dear Henrik,
>> I am following this vignette:
>> http://aroma-project.org/vignettes/naive-genotyping
> I see.
>> I would be happy to send what you are asking for:
>> data <- data.frame(chromosome=chromosome, position=position, betaN=betaN, 
>> is23=is23, is24=is24);
>> but chromosome and position objects are not created in this vignette... what 
>> do you need?
> The just use:
> chromosome <- ugp[,1];
> position <- ugp[,1];
> /Henrik
>> Thanks,
>> Daniel
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: aroma-affymetrix@googlegroups.com on behalf of Henrik Bengtsson
>> Sent: Mon 10/3/2011 9:04 PM
>> To: aroma-affymetrix@googlegroups.com
>> Subject: Re: [aroma.affymetrix] Naive Genotyping in Mouse
>> Hi.
>> On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 10:00 AM, Rico.Daniel <dr...@cnio.es> wrote:
>>> Hello, I am trying "Naive genotyping" with MOUSEDIVm520650 arrays. I am 
>>> following the vignette
>> Which one?
>>> and get the following error:
>>>> gender <- callXXorXY(betaN[is23], betaN[is24], adjust=adjust, from=0, 
>>>> to=1);
>>> Error in list(`callXXorXY(betaN[is23], betaN[is24], adjust = adjust, from = 
>>> 0, to = 1)` = <environment>,  :
>>> [2011-10-03 18:50:11] Exception: Allele B fractions for ChrX and ChrY are 
>>> inconsistent.
>>>  at throw(Exception(...))
>>>  at throw.default("Allele B fractions for ChrX and ChrY are inconsistent.")
>>>  at throw("Allele B fractions for ChrX and ChrY are inconsistent.")
>>>  at callXXorXY.numeric(betaN[is23], betaN[is24], adjust = adjust, from = 0, 
>>> to
>>>  at callXX
>> This may be a problem due to a particularly bad/noisy sample in
>> combination to our internal sanity checks.  More below...
>>> Following this thread:
>>> http://aroma-affymetrix.967894.n3.nabble.com/aroma-affymetrix-Problem-with-naive-genotyping-TumorBoost-vignette-td2561665.html
>>> I set gender manually:
>>> gender <- "XY"
>>> # Call genotypes
>>> naValue <- as.double(NA);
>>> fit <- NULL;
>>> mu <- rep(naValue, times=length(units));
>>> cs <- rep(naValue, times=length(units));
>>>    # All but ChrX & ChrY in male
>>>    isDiploid <- (!(is23 | is24));
>>>      use <- which(isDiploid);
>>>      muT <- callNaiveGenotypes( betaN[use], cn=2, adjust=adjust, from=0, 
>>> to=1, verbose=less(verbose,10));
>>> # And get this error:
>>> Error: nbrOfGenotypeGroups == 3 is not TRUE
>>> I assume there should be three peaks in the betaN distribution, but I only 
>>> see one peak at 0.2 in an unimodal distribution:
>>>> summary(betaN)
>>>     Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max.      NA's
>>>      0.0       0.1       0.2       0.3       0.3       1.0 1837467.0
>>> # (1837467 NA's would be the not polymorphic probes)
>> So not sure what data you have in hand, but could you make the
>> following file available (e.g. http://min.us/) to me (off the mailing
>> list):
>> data <- data.frame(chromosome=chromosome, position=position,
>> betaN=betaN, is23=is23, is24=is24);
>> saveObject(data, file="RicoD_20111003.RData");
>> so that I can have a look at it.  Maybe we need to add a fallback
>> strategy for callXXorXY() or at least add an option to manually add
>> the XX/XY status.
>> /Henrik
>>> I tried to follow the previous thread, but I could not find what is wrong 
>>> with my data.
>>> Any help will be greatly appreciated!! (once more)
>>> Best,
>>> Daniel
>>>> sessionInfo()
>>> R version 2.13.0 (2011-04-13)
>>> Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)
>>> locale:
>>> [1] C
>>> attached base packages:
>>> [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base
>>> other attached packages:
>>>  [1] aroma.cn_0.8.2     aroma.core_2.2.0   aroma.light_1.20.0 
>>> matrixStats_0.2.2
>>>  [5] R.rsp_0.6.2        R.filesets_1.1.0   digest_0.5.0       R.cache_0.5.1
>>>  [9] R.utils_1.7.8      R.oo_1.8.1         R.methodsS3_1.2.1
>>> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
>>> [1] affxparser_1.24.0 tools_2.13.0
>>> Warning message:
>>> 'DESCRIPTION' file has 'Encoding' field and re-encoding is not possible
>>> ********************************************
>>> Daniel Rico Rodriguez, PhD.
>>> Structural Biology and BioComputing Programme
>>> Spanish National Cancer Research Center, CNIO
>>> Melchor Fernandez Almagro, 3.
>>> 28029 Madrid, Spain.
>>> Phone: +34 91 224 69 00 #3015
>>> dr...@cnio.es
>>> http://www.cnio.es
>>> ********************************************
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<<attachment: RicoD_20111003,betaN,chr1-19,density.png>>

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