Hi William

Please let me know how your investigation goes. I am in the same boat where
we need to add some "unique" customization to MYIT and I am very interested
in your findings. I have a request to add a new button to the navigation
bar in MYIT that goes to a custom link. While we could use Quick links for
this, my user wants it in the main navigation bar so that it is always
available to the users and is easy to find.

Not idea as I know we will need to re-apply this customization every time
we upgrade our system - however we need to find that balance where it makes
the system better for the end users yet also keeps BMC happy.


On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 6:14 PM William Rentfrow <wrentf...@stratacominc.com>

> **
> I've been reverse engineering this and I have found what I need to
> change.  The BMC engineers have used minify to condense files down into two
> files - views.min.js (\ux\current\myitapp\scripts) and myit.min.css
> (\ux\current\myitapp\styles\css).
> In case you're not familiar with it minify is just a way to make files
> smaller and/or packaged together.  Many times files are just zipped so the
> http request is much smaller.  In this case they are not, but the source
> files are all lumped together into one file so instead of the http server
> needed to send 10+ files it sends one file.  This helps web page load times
> stay fast.  If you get crazy into optimizing web page load speed you always
> want to minify everything you can and cut the number of http requests to a
> minimum.
> Anyway...I can edit those files and have the changes show up.  I am very
> close to having this working, but it is very, very finicky - any small
> error and I have to restore the backup of the file and restart the Smart
> IT/My IT service.
> Finally - I am also 100% sure this is not the right way to do this.
> Minify-ed files are usually built using a script or a process based off of
> the source files.  The correct way to do this is to edit the source files
> and re-build the minify files.  I have asked BMC what the correct process
> is to re-build the minify files.  I have no idea if they are going to tell
> me or if they are just going to stonewall me because I'm probably well past
> the point where they want people making changes.
> William Rentfrow
> wrentf...@stratacominc.com
> Office: 715-204-3061 or 701-232-5697x25
> Cell: 715-498-5056
> *From:* William Rentfrow
> *Sent:* Thursday, June 02, 2016 2:32 PM
> *To:* arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
> *Subject:* Customizing My IT 1.4 CSS
> So...I want the user name in My IT to automatically go to all CAPS.
> My IT is archtected....uniquely.  Doing this in Smart IT was as easy as
> adding something to the CSS and an onBlur uppercase to the HTML source.
> I need help finding the appropriate file to alter the login for My IT
> 1.4.00
> The "view source" of the login for My IT shows these properties for the
> user name input:
> <input class="login-form__input default-input ng-pristine ng-untouched
> ng-valid" type="text" autofocus="" placeholder="User Name"
> ng-keypress="handleInputKeyPress($event)" ng-model="loginForm.username"
> name="username">
> However, that's not from the URL that you start with at MyIT - it's
> cobbled together from a bunch of other places.  If I could find it the CSS
> could just be altered to add the  "text-transform: uppercase;" CSS to it.
> However, due to the chaining of the source files on the server I can not
> find the appropriate file.  I  THOUGHT I did, but apparently not....or
> there's some caching going on...
> William Rentfrow
> wrentf...@stratacominc.com
> Office: 715-204-3061 or 701-232-5697x25
> Cell: 715-498-5056
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