
We have a simple load balancing arrangement between a Netscaler and two SSL
Mid tiers (v18.08).

End users are sporadically encountering session timeout errors when they
would not be expected. Sometimes within a few minutes of connecting and in
the midst of creating a new incident, they will get a session timeout error
(arerr 9201) and they will have to refresh the page and re-authenticate.

I've found the following BMC Support KB and shared it with the team:

Our netscaler resource advises that the cookie-based persistence option is
not available when he is configuring load-balancing. I believe he is
configuring persistence as IP based. Other than that, we can't identify any
non-recommended configuration issues.

I suspect that the cookie-based load balancer configuration is significant,
but not being a LB expert, it's outside of my skillset and my most
convincing argument at the moment is, "...because BMC Support recommends

Does anyone have any experience with a basic, simple Netscaler
configuration to balance two SSL Mid tiers based on least number of
connections (or any other strategy)?

Or perhaps session timeouts are a known issue for other reasons that I have
yet to stumble across?

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