
Environment: ARS 6.0.1 patch 1497 running on Solaris 9 against a remote Oracle 9.2 database.

I have created a View Form via a DB Link to another oracle database. The view form is saved and the ID field of the View Form is mapped to an integer field of 15 characters in length.

However when the View Form is accessed via the Remedy User Tool, I get an ARERR 302 error and no data is displayed in any of the fields of the view form. However, I can see the ID field in the Query List results pane but the data does not correspond with the data stored in the Oracle table being viewed.

For example the Remedy User Tool shows -80311507 but the value stored in the real Oracle table is 999000000000317.

Any thoughts on how I can debug/rectify this issue? Is is a character-set problem?



Remedy Consultant, HPS Technologies, France.

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