Hello everyone:

I have a rather large collection of filters that call various SOAP webservices as set fields actions.

In our dev environment, the SOAP services run on, say: devmachine.domain.com
In our test environment, they're on testmachine.domain.com
In our production environment, prodmachine.domain.com

When the time comes to move our filters from one environment to another, we have a problem. If we use migrator, or if we just use import/export, the problem is the same: the filters still try to call webservices on the same host once they are ported into the new environment.

The only solution appears to be to open each filter individually, reload a WSDL which specifies the new hostname, and remap each of the inputs and outputs. This process is time consuming, and highly prone to error.

Does anyone know a method to make this change en masse?

I had thought to try to export all of the filters with SOAP calls, then search/replace the hostname string. THIS WILL NOT WORK.

thanks in advance everyone,


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