I am trying to tighten up the time it takes to create a new Incident in
IM 7.03 (ARS 7.01, Solaris, remote oracle DB).
I've checked the threads/queues quite thoroughly and they appears to be
fine - there's plenty of available time queue time.  However, in the
filter log there are multiple places where this happens:
Tue Apr 01 2008 11:08:03.6332 */     End of filter processing (phase 1)
-- Operation - CREATE on SYS:Action - <NULL>
Tue Apr 01 2008 11:08:06.6404 */     End of filter processing (phase 2)
-- Operation - CREATE on SLM:Measurement - 000000000000095

Notice the three second gap between those two - there is NOTHING else
going on anywhere else in the SQL or API logs to indicate some
processing - it's just three seconds of the nothing in all of the logs.
Every time there's a "end of filter processing' phase message we just
stop for 3 seconds.
In my 39-second Incident creation time there are a total of 10 of these
gaps - 30 seconds where absolutely nothing appears to be happening.
Keep in mind this is a large solaris server and I'm the only one on it -
there's no lack of server resources.  We've got plenty of
hamsters/wheels/etc to power this thing.
William Rentfrow, Principal Consultant
C 701-306-6157
O 952-432-0227

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