Hi Strauss,

What we understand is that you want to add group information to Assignee
Group(ID 112), dynamically & explicitly.
To do this add your own worlflows & dynamic groups to your own fields
without affecting the default workflows of ITSM 7.
This will definitely save your efforts of reinvention from the scratch.

Hope this helps...

Vyom Labs Pvt. Ltd.
An ISO 20000 certified company.
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Web : www.vyomlabs.com
strauss wrote:
It has become evident that the ITSM 7 application does not, in fact,
implement multi-tenancy properly, only a faint shadow of it.  We had
been led to believe in all of our discussions with engineers at two
different UserWorlds (and had not been able to disprove it in testing)
that the permissions of an Incident would be modified to reflect the
customer, current owner, and current assigned group throughout the life
cycle of the request.  This is not, in fact, what is taking place, OOTB,
at least not once you have patched through 007.  The only permissions
being posted to the incident are those of the customer - one group id in
field 112.

Has anyone had to supplement the ITSM 7 application with workflow that
dynamically and explicitly adds group information to field 112 for the
assigned support group and the owner group, and removes it as the
incident changes assignment/ownership?  If not, I guess I will be
inventing it from scratch - this HAS to work.

Christopher Strauss, Ph.D.
Call Tracking Administration Manager
University of North Texas Computing & IT Center
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