Dear List,

I have three forms:  Main Form, Subfile Form and Info Form.

On Submit, Main Form goes to Info Form to get a list of names for which it 
needs to create Subfile Form records.  Each Subfile Form record will have a 
Name, and Main Form ID which links it to the Main Form.

So “On Submit” a filter gets the names list, then calls a guide that parses out 
the list.  It retrieves each name into a temporary field, and does a “Push 
Fields” to create a Subfile Form record.

The problem is that calling the guide happens in Phase 1, but the Push Fields 
happens in Phase 3. So, by the time the push fields happens, the temporary 
field has been overwritten, and all Subfile records get the final name.

I could make the push fields happen in Phase 1, but the Main Form/Entry ID 
won’t have been set.  It would be nice if it could wait till Phase 3 to call 
the guide, but I don’t know of any way of doing that.  These entries are being 
created via a web template, so I can’t use Active Links.

One possibility would be to push both the Main Form/Entry ID and the Name List 
to a Parsing Form with a single record, then let the Parsing Form create the 
Subfile records. 

It seems needlessly complicated, but is there a better way?

Dwayne Martin
James Madison University

(ARS 7.1 Patch 3, RH Linux server, Oracle 10.2 db)

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