OK, here is my second issue which again BMC will not support.


We have some tricky escalation rules for SLM.  We know that.  We were able
to write some logic through the help desk forms and filters to figure out
where the next escalation is to go.  Now what I need to do is EMAIL those
people when an SLM milestone is reached.


What I have done so far is to create some hidden fields in the incident.
Each time the incident is manually escalated, the filters figure out who to
escalate to the next time and using Direct SQL I update these hidden fields.


What I NEED to do now is use these new fields in SLM Milestone emails.  The
fields are named SLM_EMAIL_TO and SLM_EMAIL_CC.  I have checked in the
database and they are beautifully being updated.  No issue there.  

When we go into SLM email actions, we even see these fields as options in
the TO and CC fields!   All looks great!  The problem is, the milestones
never fire if we have those variables in the email template (or custom
action either).  Only when we remove them and hard code the email does it


Anyone do something like this before???





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