Hi Listers,
I just got home from WWRUG. I want to thank all the attendees, volunteers, advisory committee, board of directors, vendors and Hard Rock Hotel for a truly memorable conference. I think we all learned a lot, made new friends/contacts and renewed old relationships. I'm honored to have won the BMC Employee above and beyond award. I still hope to help out above and beyond just from a different company now LOL. I look forward to next year but I'm glad it is 11 months away. I need sleep!
For those who wonder about the odd occasional reference to TWINKIES-
(as told by Doug Mueller, as best I can remember)

The first Remedy conference there was a last minute decision to have food during an afternoon break. The lady from Remedy who was handling such things piled up tables with an assortment of candy bars and Hostess baked goods (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hostess_(brand)) including Ding Dongs, Ho Hos, Snowballs, and Twinkies. The hotel people thought she was crazy. The doors opened from the sessions and out poured the attendees. As if a plague of locust had come through, the tables were empty in about 5 minutes! It seems she was on to something and Twinkies were the MOST popular.
The next year, Remedy named it the "junk food break' and put out even bigger piles. Again, the crowd devoured it.
The third year, everyone came in to the general session to find a Twinkie on their seat.
The forth and all subsequent years, Twinkies moved to the ARSList Awards program. Someone began the tradition of throwing them to/at the attendees. Of course that lead to someone throwing a few back at the presenters. Now there is generally showers of Twinkies tossed about with plenty to go around!
Over the years, Twinkies have ended up in the expensive chandeliers hanging high above in conference rooms. Some of of these same Twinkies have been sighted 6 months later when RUG attendees were at a different conference. Twinkies have been spotted all over conference centers in the wake of ARSlist Awards and conferences. This year, a special "Twinkie clause" was written in to the contract with the Hard Rock so we could bring in food not made by their staff.... but just Twinkies. Even the roadies for Santana got in on the act and ended up with Twinkies.. Twinkies have a life of their own! If you don't believe me, read the wiki :) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twinkie

Kelly Deaver
Effective Technologies

kdea...@kellydeaver.com (ARSlist mail)
ke...@effect-tech.com (Business mail)
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