
I am reading page 177 of the AR Server Integration guide v7.5 on how to
configure a VIEW FORM to connect to an external database. My system runs on
SQL Server 2005 64-bit, both OS are Windows Server 2003. I am a bit confused
by this line in the integrations guide:

"Create a link to the remote database and either give ARAdmin an account on
the remote database or use the proper login credentials."

What do they mean by link? Do they mean an ODBC datasource connection on the
database server? Or is this something that needs to be setup in SQL
Management Studio?

Also, a couple lines down from this setup task the guide says:

"The format for the table name is:LINKNAME.DATABASENAME.OWNER.TABLENAME"

Do I have to create this table in my ARSystem Database? I think they are
leaving out some important information about how to handle this in SQL

Need help.


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