This is a known issue. BMC has a patch for it.

Kelly Deaver
L-3 Stratis / FAA Contractor
kdea...@kellydeaver.com (ARSlist mail)
kelly.ctr.dea...@faa.gov (Business mail)
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Customer Name 'stuck' on Incident Management Console
From: Sharon Menachem <smena...@rollins.com>
Date: Wed, November 24, 2010 5:00 am
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG

ARS 7.6 ITSM 7.6
I'm wondering whether anyone has seen this behavior on the Incident Management Console / if it is a known issue even though I couldn't track it down in previous posts...
When opening the Incident Management console after logging in to remedy, moving up and down in the table of incidents refreshes the Customer Name information shown below the table.
If I am viewing 1 ticket in the console and then double click on another ticket, the ticket opens up just fine. However, when I go back to the incident console, although the selection has change to the ticket I just opened, and all fields on the console have updated with the correct information, the Customer Name still shows the name from the previous ticket viewed.
From that point on there is no way to get Customer Name to change, even refreshing the table does not reset the field.
This will not happen the first or second time I double click a ticket other than the one I am currently viewing - it works fine. Only after the 3rd or 4th time.
Thanks for your input,
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_attend WWRUG11 www.wwrug.com ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are"_

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