Hello ARSList!

A few days ago we were pleased to announce the keynote speakers for WWRUG13, 
September 30 through October 4 in San Jose. Though these presentations by Kia 
Benhia, Matthew Dircks and Doug Mueller are indeed noteworthy, they are just 
the start of our amazing week!

By far the biggest reasons to attend WWRUG13 are the individual speakers and 
panelists in more than 100 breakout sessions! We are still doing a little 
shuffling with the schedules, but thought you would like a chance to get to 
know them ahead of time. Many of these are familiar names from earlier 
conferences, BMC Communities and the ARSList, but there are a few first-timers 
who arrive with new and exciting ideas! There are about 75 speaker bios on our 
website now, complete with cute little pictures and way more detail than they 
thought we would publish. You can meet our WWRUG13 presenters at 


As long as we have your attention, there is a just a month remaining for 
discounted conference registration. The current price lasts through July 19th. 
The WWRUG13 website registration page includes links to the conference hotel, 
The Fairmont San Jose. You must follow that link to get the discounted room 


See you in San Jose!

Doug Blair
WWRUG Advisory Board
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