Hi Pietro,

you have to build an url like this in your email text,

In notify action you can also check the 'Web URL' option.


Da:     "team.rem...@libero.it" <team.rem...@libero.it>
Per:    arslist@ARSLIST.ORG,
Data:   17/02/2014 15:03
Oggetto:        Direct access URL used in email notification - AR 7.6
Inviato da:     "Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)" 

Hi Folks,
I am currently trying to implement a hard link in an email notification to the
incident number from a custom on submit response notification filter.
Can someone provide me with a working example that provides this
functionality? Have a url link to an incident in an email response...
I have tried the following on my server and I can get to the incident form but
I can't get to the incident number.. as it tells me No matching requests (or no
permission to requests) for qualification criteria. (ARWARN 9296)


BMC ITSM : 7.6.04 SP 4
Ar Server : SP %
OS/platform version:   Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.4 (Santiago),
kernel 2.6.32-358.23.2.el6.x86_64
Database vendor/version - Remote or local:  Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production configured as remote

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