Thanks Jesus, 

I am indepthly familiar with Atrium Integrator, pentaho spoon and AIE.  My 
question is specifically about the engine that AI runs in.  For us who have 
done large amounts of work with AIE over the years its common practice to 
restart AIE engine specific instances (AIE 001,002 respectively)to get AIE to 
run the job immediately versus waiting until AIE comes back around to running 
it on the AIE engine cycle.  

My question here is how do I stop/restart the engine that runs Atrium 
Integrator?  Where does it run?  When server grouped, it is best practice when 
doing CMDB work via AIE to push off AIE to its own separate server on the 
server group, because when doing imports you will dog out Arsystem if its not.  
My very specific question is how is this done with AI?  Is there an engine that 
runs AI like there was on AIE, normally on AIE we would set the server group 
ranking form to push off AIE jobs to their own server, how does that work with 
AI?  Is there a method to accomplish this via AI?Is there an engine?

This is much deeper level question than simply defining the workings of AI.  I 
appreciate the help thank you again.

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