Hi Guys!


Having some problems getting ARSPerl running with 7.0 API! I installed
it the common way - I always did witch 1.85 - got no errors.

If I try to run a script using ARS now I get the following error!


Can't load
'/usr/perl5/site_perl/5.8.4/sun4-solaris-64int/auto/ARS/ARS.so' for
module ARS: ld.so.1: perl: fatal: relocation error: file
/usr/perl5/site_perl/5.8.4/sun4-solaris-64int/auto/ARS/ARS.so: symbol
ucnv_compareNames_3_2: referenced symbol not found at
/usr/perl5/5.8.4/lib/sun4-solaris-64int/DynaLoader.pm line 230.

 at casc_ARSFuncs.pm line 25


The file ARS.so is where it is expected!

So may somebody can help!?






   Maurice Frassl 

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