On 11/3/05, Bernhard Dippold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Seb, *
> Sebastien Lanteigne wrote:
> > Ok I lied I've uploaded them now. I'll make more once I receive feedback.
> Sorry - I didn't take the time to comment your last uploads :-(
> Your *blog buttons* have already been commented by Steven: They lack
> the .org part.

OK thats what he was talking about.... Absolutelly right I'll add it asap.

> Because I don't really know how such blog buttons are used, I can't
> tell a lot about them. For this size it's not easy to create
> readable buttons, so I don't know if it's possible to use the
> Bitstream Vera Sans font for the texts.

Well typically blog buttons are used on... well blogs :). Some blogs
are organized by topic so buttons are created accordinglly. I don't
have a blog myself but I do like the button style.

> I like the small gulls even if they can only be recognized by people
> knowing OpenOffice.org.

Typically people that visit blog do so because of specific topics they
like on any particullar blog so they would know the icons for specific

> Just two more thoughts:
> - What do you think about shifting the different colored background
> to the right hand side? Then the version designation "2.0" could be
> positioned on the "right" place.

You mean having the small portion on the right hand side? Sure.

> - Is there a limitation to two colors? Otherwise I could imagine a
> button with Black, White and OOo-Blue...

No limitation. I just chose to do so.

> The *test buttons* look really good - personally I prefer the second
> part with the blue background. Did you try to turn the slope of the
> gradient a a bit more to the left? (If the blue background would
> stay mostly behind the black part of the text, perhaps it would be
> even better readable)

I tried to balance angle and readability but I guess a bigger angle
could make it better.

> Your banners have to be downloaded to have a look at them - even if
> they are really small, it costs some time... (perhaps you could
> provide future _test_ designs as bitmaps or uncompressed svg?)

You should be able to view them by installing that Adobe SVG viewer
*but* yes I'll upload PNGs next time.

> Banner 1 is quite "normal" - the wire gulls are not very good to be
> recognized (and seem to be compressed horizontally a bit), the right
> gull fades behind the text.

That also what I thought. I'll try making it bigger like on the
"banner_wire_n_shaded" one.

> Banner 2 shows the wire gulls stretched too much for my opinion.

That what I like about it.

> Banner 3 is quite the same as the one you provided before
> ("banner_wire_n_shaded") - and you integrated my ideas!

I re-did it to add 2.0 and try to intergrate your ideas. Thats why
people make comments right? :)

> I like it!
> Did you try to keep the right gull stronger than the left one (like
> the original)?

Not really I just looked at what I found more visually pleasing.

> Do you have an idea how to include an additional text? (like the
> positioner discussed on [EMAIL PROTECTED] - most voted for by now:
> "Open. For business")

Maybe... I just tought of something

> (And remind - all my comments are only my personal opinion!)

Worry not I welcome comments for anyone. In my opinion the one thing
worst then receiving negative comments is receiving none.


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