Hi Bernhard,

Thanks for your welcome and helping me to get started.

I took a look at the style draft and these are some of my findings:

- Is the style document for OOo in general only or should it be used for the components too? If so, the specs for the components are not sufficient. - My experience in both the directive and practical work relationship with 'artists and designers' has learned me that the guidelines for any style can not be specific enough. The true designer is the one that is creative within the set bounderies and it is my oppinion that these should be as strict for the graphical elements as they are for the text elements. At this point, I find this not to be the case.

When guiding a community it is of crucial importance to set very strict but realistic bouderies, guides and specs. eg: "Go play!" is a clear parenting hint to a 5 year old. So it seems. The 5 year old will ask: "With what?" So the hint should be: go play with that?? No. The hint should be; Go play with that in this way. (Go play woth your Duplo ans make daddy a nice -whatever favourite animal the kid has or whatever thing he or she was last fascinated by -)
Style specs should be:
- These are the ghraphical elements, colors, fonts, specs and guidelines. You can do this and that with them. You CAN NOT do this or that with them. Within these limits, feel free to experiment. There should be seperate style guidelines for each medium!. - When creating a specific task or posting a demand for a logo, banner, button or any other, the specifics for that use should be included. fi: within the limits for the style for printed promotional media we would like you to create a layout for a RV Triplet 4A flyer, to be distributed at exhibits or shows and thus meeting its specific needs. In addition to the style for printed promotional media, we would like you to introduce one new colour on a maximum of a 3th of the RV triplet A4 for the introduction of the 2006 OOo conference. If witheld, this colour will then be used when creating the 2006 OOo conference style.

This may seem like a lot of work, but once the main styles are defined, the others are created by the artists and since they know of the goal for the demanded additions they will keep that goal in mind when creating an addition. In fact, they will create a style for the goal and incorporate that color in the demanded addition. If demands are set in this way, you risk to get artists presenting you with good ideas for future styles before the demand is posted, and isn't that what you want?

That on the style subject for now.

It may seem that I have a lot of comment on the efforts being made by the community members, but this is what I do second best :) In addition, I can help and provide solutions for any comment I make, but I prefer to leave the dialogue open.

I would like to invite you all to present me with problems or questions. Hope I can help.

The general feeling that I got from the website is a 'sleeping' one. I can be wrong but it seems that in some aereas, the OOo project is not pro-active. (Oh Boy, I am using words that are normal in english but seem very yuppie in dutch) :) When reading some of the threads on issues, I founr it hard to get to the core of that issue. Seems to mee that there is a lot of discussion going on there... Again, I might be wrong.

Overall oppinion: I like OOo. I do not like the name, the website, its fuzzyness, ... I do not know the people behind it all so for now; I like them all :-p

I think the success behind products like Firefox is the very good marketing strategy. I have read the OOo marketing plan and I like the general idea, but I do have some concerns. I mailed some to Jackeline @ [EMAIL PROTECTED] as I did not know where to get started :) Perhaps I can help or contribute there as well? Let me have a look at the existing artwork now. :) I'll let you know how I feel about it.



Hi Steven, *

"Steven Pauwels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


As I would like to actively participate in one way or another in OOo,
have problems finding out what needs to be done f.i. in marketing.
I am not looking in the right place?....

There are lots of places for someone with your skills - inside and
outside the marketing project. You're right, they are not to be found
easily (and there should be done something), but you managed to reach
this list, so we'll try to help you. :-)

This list ist dedicated to artwork, and here I'd like to welcome you
For your other skills the main marketing list
dev@marketing.openoffice.org would be the right place.

What do you think of subscribing there and posting your message again?
My skills and experience:

- usability (testing, analysing, implementing)
- functional analist
- artwork (to satisfy my creative side...)
- marketing (online, IRL): strategy, planning, implementation,
- crisis management (oh boy...  is there one?)

There are many possibilities to spread OpenOffice.org with such a
profile - from our point of view in the art project you could

- have a look at our Art Style Manual
attached to issue 54289 in Issue Tracker
(http://marketing.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=54289) if you
think it to be sufficient to keep OpenOffice.org's visual identity
without restricting artist's freedom too much.
This document will soon be presented on the website (We didn't get any
negative answer from the CC so I think we'll be allowed to).

- provide artwork for OpenOffice.org in any field you think it could be
We have some galleries on our website
http://marketing.openoffice.org/art/, but some of them are not updated
by now. So if you want to create some artwork, just tell here what kind
of artwork this will be. Then we could show you the actual work (manly
attached to Issue Tracker issues).


The latest MS bug (I had to reinstall my PC 3 times before anyone
what was going on.) leaves me frustrated and eager to participate in
what I believe  to be a market and a product that has reached a point
where it can be introduced to a larger public without risking to be
'dropped because unclear' (at any point or issue). As I have 4 sons
are reaching practical PC use age, I prefer to introduce them to a
MS IT world. hence...

I love MS bugs, because they show people like you the way to us :-)
Please let me know how to participate to the fullest of my

As mentioned above - please introduce yourself on

Best regards

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