Do you see any increase in CPU/disk load after clicking the compress button?
For us to try and reproduce this - what version of Artifactory are you using
and with which storage type - pure derby or filesystem-derby?



On Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 8:00 PM, Phillip Rhodes

> FWIW, I'm trying the compress again now, using the Artifactory UI to
> initiate it.  But even after clicking the "Compress the Internal
> Database" button and answering "yes" to the "are you sure" dialog, I get
> the little Artifactory spinner that says "loading" in my browser... but
> nothing in the server logs that shows the request was even received.
> Nothing in the request.log, artifactory.log or derby.log.  And this is
> after changing the derby logLevel as mentioned earlier.  I also turned
> on Derby's deadlock reporting stuff, just to see if that would yield
> anything useful.
> And when I say "nothing" I mean that very literally.  I started the
> compress over an hour ago, and the logs don't show any changes at all,
> since right before I started  it.
> Anybody have any other suggestions as far as debugging / solving this?
> Thanks,
> Phillip Rhodes
> Redwood Software
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