Dear ARTS friends,

It's time for a new ARTS workshop. The workshop will be similar to the old ones, but this time we have also something to celebrate. The ARTS project is approaching an age of 20 years! And if all goes well, we will announce ARTS-3 some time before the workshop.

The workshop will be held June 8-11, 2020. The venue will again be Kristineberg Marine Research Station, on the west coast of Sweden. You will need to be in Gothenburg around 14.00 June 8, and be back in Gothenburg around 15.00 June 11.

Mark this time period in your calendar. The invitation will be sent out in January.

If you are not familiar with these workshops, see:

(We are aware of that the IPWG and IWSSM workshops just were announced to be June 1-5. This is unlucky but we can not move he ARTS workshop as Kristeneberg is fully booked.)

Kind regards,

Stefan and Patrick
arts_dev.mi mailing list

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