Dear all,

perhaps this workshop is of interest to some of you.

Best wishes,


> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Yves Govaerts <>
> Subject: Workshop on the development of a new open
> Date: 2. October 2019 at 16:46:00 CEST
> To:
> Dear Stefan,
> The Joint Resaerch Centre of the European Commission is organising a workshop 
> on the development of a new open-source 3D radiative transfer model based on 
> a state-of-the-art Monte Carlo ray tracing method to support Copernicus 
> CalVal activities. This workshop might be of interest to you or your 
> colleagues.
> The announcement letter is still accessible here 
> <>
>  (as well as the provisional agenda).
> Registration is still open, until November 5th 2019. To register, send an 
> email to <>! As the number of 
> participants is limited, I would therefore encourage you to register as soon 
> as possible should you be interested to participate to this workshop.
> I hope to see you in Ispra. Do not hesitate to send an email to il to 
> <> should you have any questions on 
> this workshop.
> Kind regards,
> Yves Govaerts
> _________________________________________
> Consultancy in remote sensing and radiation transfer
> Email:
> URL:
> URL:
> Phone mobile   : +32 487 39 85 54

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