Dear Sampo Salo,

I will not give you an answer here, just asking some questions.

Can you write a few words about what you want to simulate, more exactly? Is it link budget for a ground-station? What frequency range? Easier to provide help knowing this.

What ARTS version are you using? If you are using v2.2, would it be an option to switch to latest development version?

"Clouds" means clouds consisting of liquid droplets (ie matching LWC)?



On 2017-10-26 11:07, Sampo Salo wrote:
Hi all,

I have a slightly modified version of the link budget simulation "DemoLinkBudget" provided in the "planetary toolbox". I want to add clouds and rain to this simulation using the Chevallier_91L datasets that I can find in the "control files".

I _think_ what I would like to do is as follows:

1. I want to generate particle number density fields from the Chevallier_91L data which is in plain mass densities (kg/m3 for clouds and kg/m2/s for rain) in a corresponding pressure grid.

2. Then I want to interpolate/add these pnd fields in a cloud box that corresponds to the pressure grid that I already have generated in my existing simulation.

Could anyone here help me to find the correct way to add clouds in my simulation? I have been thinking and thinking about this but I can't find the way to do this.


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