Dear Patrick,

Thanks for giving me some of your time.

I want to simulate a radio link where the transmitter is in orbit and the
receiver is on Earth's surface. More specifically, I want to simulate the
attenuation due to gases, different types of clouds (ice and water) and
rain/snow. The frequency range that I am interested is roughly from 90 GHz
to 275 GHz.

I actually switched already to the latest development version and was able
to run my simulation on Monday without any errors. What I did was that I
interpolated the chevalier data to the simulation grid that I am using as

GriddedField3Create( chevallier_data )
ReadXML( chevallier_data,
"Chevallier_91L/cirrus/Chevallier91L.cirrus.CIW.xml" )
GriddedFieldPRegrid( chevallier_data, p_grid, chevallier_data, 1, 1 )
GriddedFieldLatLonExpand( chevallier_data, chevallier_data )
GriddedFieldLatLonRegrid( chevallier_data, my_lat_grid, my_lon_grid,
chevallier_data, 1 )
WriteXML("ascii", chevallier_data, "interpolated.xml" )

Then I converted the interpolated data to a tensor4 using a python script.
I also had to modify the density fields so that they are zeros outside and
at the edges of the cloud box. This was very cumbersome and I was left
wondering if there was a simpler way to do it.

Then I was able to import the mass density fields in the simulation using
the available workspace variables and run the simulation with some minor
modifications and adding these commands:


Two important notes that I could not find in the user manual or
online documentation:
- The maximum size of the cloud box in latitude and longitude grids is 20
degrees of the edges of the simulation grid
- The density fields must cover the whole latitude/longitude area of the
simulation grid

Now I am trying to figure out if the results I am getting are reasonable or

I am just starting to learn microwave propagation in the atmosphere,
and this tool seems like a good way to help me do it. I appreciate making
this project open source.


2017-11-02 6:39 GMT+01:00 Patrick Eriksson <>:

> Dear Sampo Salo,
> I will not give you an answer here, just asking some questions.
> Can you write a few words about what you want to simulate, more exactly?
> Is it link budget for a ground-station? What frequency range? Easier to
> provide help knowing this.
> What ARTS version are you using? If you are using v2.2, would it be an
> option to switch to latest development version?
> "Clouds" means clouds consisting of liquid droplets (ie matching LWC)?
> Regards,
> Patrick
> On 2017-10-26 11:07, Sampo Salo wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have a slightly modified version of the link budget simulation
>> "DemoLinkBudget" provided in the "planetary toolbox". I want to add clouds
>> and rain to this simulation using the Chevallier_91L datasets that I can
>> find in the "control files".
>> I _think_ what I would like to do is as follows:
>> 1. I want to generate particle number density fields from the
>> Chevallier_91L data which is in plain mass densities (kg/m3 for clouds and
>> kg/m2/s for rain) in a corresponding pressure grid.
>> 2. Then I want to interpolate/add these pnd fields in a cloud box that
>> corresponds to the pressure grid that I already have generated in my
>> existing simulation.
>> Could anyone here help me to find the correct way to add clouds in my
>> simulation? I have been thinking and thinking about this but I can't find
>> the way to do this.
>> Regards,
>> Sampo
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