Dear Weng,

First of all, as this deals Atmlab, please send future questions instead to

If r is constant, you only need to modify C.PND_FIELD{1} to make sure that the IWC at each pressure level fits with what you want. Including to set C.PND_FIELD{1} to zero wjhere IWC shall be 0.

If you change the position and/or thickness of the cloud, make sure that C.LIMITS cover the cloud layer(s) with some margin, particularly below it.

If the calculations involve several r, there should be one element in both C.SCAT_DATA and C.PND_FIELD for each r involved.

Please note that there has been some improvements of DOIT during the last years. These are only present in the v2.3 version. And I don't think all new features are covered by the standard functionality in Atmlab. I have no time to update Atmlab. So maybe you should consider using ARTS directly.



On 2019-01-09 11:57, WCS wrote:
Dear All,

     Hello, sorry to bother you. I have one question about the simulation of inhomogeneous cloud using DOIT.

     There are two demos about scattering in Atmlab, qarts_mcdoit_demo.m and qarts_scattering_demo.m.Suppose the cloud is homogeneous, the ice water content at the top and the bottom of the cloud is same, scattering properties and particle number density are calculated by

C.SCAT_DATA{1} = mie_arts_scat_data( Q.F_GRID, T_grid, rfr_index, theta, r );

C.PND_FIELD{1} = box_pnd_mono_size_1d( alt, iwc, r );

Now if the cloud is inhomogeneous, the altitude isdivided into many grids, now I know the radius ‘r’ and ice water content ‘iwc’ at each grid. So, should I divide the inhomogeneous cloud into many homogeneous clouds? And how should I specify the altitude of the top and bottom of eachhomogeneous cloud?

     Best wishes!



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