> The covmat_sx is output (as far as my little OEM knowledge goes). And as a 
> curious user, I of course like to know what is in my output/what's the 
> meaning of my output (and not just half of it. > particularly when it makes 
> me getting unsure, whether I use the right part of this larger-than-expected 
> output variable) ;)
> looking forward to the next release then! :)

This is not true though. The particular covariance matrix format is used only 
for the input covariance matrices.

The ones that can be considered output (covmat_ss, covmat_so) are generally 
dense so there's nothing to be gained

in representing them as block-diagonal matrices.



From: Jana Mendrok <jana.mend...@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2019 7:42:26 PM
To: Simon Pfreundschuh
Cc: Rita Kajtar; arts_users...@mailman.rrz.uni-hamburg.de
Subject: Re: [arts-users] atm.scenario & cov-mat issues

Hi Simon, hi all,

I might have expressed myself not very clearly but I remain convinced that the 

is caused by the pressure retrieval grid. The smallest value in it is smaller 
than that in

the pressure grid. This is similar but unrelated to the first error where the 
p_grid extended

out of the range of the raw p_grid.

I see (I indeed misunderstood you before. Sorry.).

I agree, this then should be caught by an error (with a proper error message).

Regarding covariance matrices: There is currently no extensive documentation 
for  covariance matrices

but documentation of workspace groups is something that we are working on for 
the next release.

Anyhow, the user in general does not have to worry about the inverse blocks if 
she doesn't want to set

them explicitly.

The covmat_sx is output (as far as my little OEM knowledge goes). And as a 
curious user, I of course like to know what is in my output/what's the meaning 
of my output (and not just half of it. particularly when it makes me getting 
unsure, whether I use the right part of this larger-than-expected output 
variable) ;)
looking forward to the next release then! :)

Finally, there was another bug in the loading of the covariance matrices from 
xml files, which caused

the behavior that you were describing. This one is fixed now in the development 
version of typhon.

Ok, thanks!


Jana Mendrok, Ph.D.
Deutscher Wetterdienst
Offenbach am Main, Germany

+49 (0)69 8062 3139
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