Dear Everyone,

I had some questions:

1. When I using line-by-line and MPM93(or PWR98) to calculate the brightness 
temperatures, the difference between the results can be more than 20 K at about 
50 and 70 GHz in the nadir observation (especially when the reflectivity is 
large). Is this expected ? In other frequencies, such as 118 GHz, the 
difference is small.

2. when I using iy_surface_agenda in 2.4.0 (but it can be worked in arts 2.3), 
error will occur:

Run-time error in method: AgendaSet
The agenda iy_surface_agenda must generate the output WSV 
dsurface_rmatrix_dx,but it does not. 

How can I solve it?

3. I extracted the scat data from the Single Scattering Databases. In the test 
controlfiles, the data is read as:


However, the data from the Single Scattering Databases can't be read by this 
method since the format is different. Should I use ScatSpeciesScatAndMetaRead 

Thank you very much. It is better if a demo contralfile could be provided. 


Wenyu Wang
arts_users.mi mailing list

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