thats a strange way of putting things --is that the logical conclusion? Islam and Assamse don't mx -as per you?
By insulting you with the word “dhekeri”, Mr. Chandan Mahanta has displayed his commitment to Islam, which is very dangerous to the Assamese, a small population facing extinction in the face of unabated Islamic infiltration from Bangladesh.

Himendra Thakur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Mr. Rabin Deka
Dear Mr. Deka,
I am sorry to hear that Mr. Chandan Mahanta has insulted your mother-tongue "Kamrupi Language" with a derogatory word "dhekeri" for which you wrote to him:
"Hello Chandan, I regret to learn that you have once again called Kamrupi "dhekeri" which I discovered through Googl."
I most earnestly request you --- and all other Assamese friends --- to ignore the opinions of Mr. Chandan Mahanta. He writes a lot, but he does not take any responsibility about what he writes. Whenever he is in some trouble, he blames the English language, in which he does not even know the difference between the two words "before" & "after" --- he claimed that the "ATAN BURAGOHAIN SAKO" would be ugly even "before" it was designed. 
Contrary to what Chandan Mahanta wrote, we the Assamese have great appreciation for our Kamrupi language. I myself grew up in Barpeta ---the glorious centre of Vaishnava Culture ---  and remember those childhood days of swimming in Maranadi, climbing all kind of trees and jumping into the Chaulkhowa River, trekking to the Kirtanghar where we had a pet deer, staging Shrikrishna drama with my friends --- bold, outspoken, straightforward, and very brotherly. I always miss my Barpeta days!! Every language has different accents in different areas --- and we live with respect "shraddha" to each other.
To talk in a derogatory way about others by stereotyping everybody,  and to stress on a “brotherhood” only “after” conversion,  is typical to Islam, where conversion is a basic necessity.
In Hinduism, “shraddha” (mutual respect) is an essential trait, and there is NO conversion: “ayam nija para iva iti gananam laghuchetasa, udaracharitanam basudha eva kutumbakam” [ All these “mine” “yours” calculations are for light-minded people. For a broad-minded person, the entire world is a family.]
By insulting you with the word “dhekeri”, Mr. Chandan Mahanta has displayed his commitment to Islam, which is very dangerous to the Assamese, a small population facing extinction in the face of unabated Islamic infiltration from Bangladesh.
I appeal to my Assamese friends to stick together, and ignore the divisive forces that the enemy is using to weaken us. We must look into our hearts, read our history, regain our self-confidence, and make a world safe and beautiful for our children.
With the best wishes,
----- Original Message -----
From: Rabin Deka
Sent: Saturday, July 15, 2006 11:16 AM
Subject: [Assam] Miracle outcome discrepancy

In regards to the following open letter, it seems there is a miracle outcome discrepancy. The discrepancy is that the threads with "dhekeri" have not been seen cleaned up from google.com cache. I wish that all the threads with "dhekeri" from URLs be cleaned up immediately so I do not have to spend times researching alternative ways to clean this-up. Also from my side the letter is yet to be mailed to UCCS, but it was submitted to ASA Newsletter editor Rini Kakati on May 7, 2006 see contribution for ASA Newsletter  - Rini Kakati is yet to respond and she did not inform me who she gave access to this open letter enabling this miracle outcome discrepancy.


An Open Letter to University of Colorado at Colorado Springs

by Rabin Deka
San Jose, California, May 7, 2006

This open letter is written in order to express my regrets seeing publications via Google search calling my mother tongue dhekeri, as well as other disrespectful writing on Vaishnava faith published by the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. The open letter includes references of such publications and other from one contributor, but interested readers may look for more contributors via Google search.

The Open Letter

University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
1420 Austin Bluffs Pkwy
Colorado Springs, CO USA 80918

To Whom It May Concern:

Dear Madam/Sir:

I would like to bring the following observation through this open letter for your kind perusal.

The uccs.edu publication in Item 1 below equates Kamrupi to dhekeri. My mother tongue Kamrupi is an endangered language, and dhekeri in Kamrupi equals female dog or bitch. In the past, I have asked the author Chan Mahanta through a regret email letter to notify the matter to uccs.edu.

The uccs.edu publication in Item 2 below is disrespectful writing on Vaishnava faith. It was published especially on Vaishnava Incarnation Day - a day somewhat similar like Christmas Day. The publication timing was a deliberate insult to Vaishnava. The uccs.edu publication in Item 3 below is another record of disrespectful writing on Vaishnava faith. Here the author used an anonymous ID, in this case it appears that Internet service provider of this anonymous ID is the same as Chan Mahanta.

Some Records of uccs.edu Publications in Google (cut & paste):
  1. Web  Results 1 - 2 of 2 from pikespeak.uccs.edu for  "chan mahanta" "pikespeak.uccs" "dhekeri". (0.19 seconds)
  2. Web  Results 1 - 3 of 3 from pikespeak.uccs.edu for  "chan mahanta" "pikespeak.uccs" "ahem, gay". (0.26 seconds)
  3. Web  Results 1 - 1 of 1 from pikespeak.uccs.edu for  "Tilok Hatimuria" "pikespeak.uccs" "xonkor". (0.31 seconds)
  4. Web  Results 1 - 10 of about 12 from pikespeak.uccs.edu for  "chan mahanta" "pikespeak.uccs" "ass". (0.17 seconds)
  5. Web  Results 1 - 2 of 2 from pikespeak.uccs.edu for  "chan mahanta" "pikespeak.uccs" "fuck". (0.19 seconds)
  6. Web  Results 1 - 2 of 2 from pikespeak.uccs.edu for  "chan mahanta" "pikespeak.uccs" "give a 's--t'" "'screwed-up' ?". (0.53 seconds)
  7. Web  Results 1 - 8 of about 10 from pikespeak.uccs.edu for  "chan mahanta" "pikespeak.uccs" "shit". (0.24 seconds)
  8. Web  Results 1 - 10 of about 691 from pikespeak.uccs.edu for  "chan mahanta" "pikespeak.uccs" "ulfa". (0.49 seconds)
The uccs.edu publications in Items 4, 5, 6 & 7 above are some records of inappropriate languages while 32 pieces of the writings with at least one inappropriate language for each writing come from the same email ID Chan Mahanta - hoping that Guinness Book of Records does not recognize inappropriate language publishing of academia. The uccs.edu publications in Items 8 display at least 691 records that has at least one "ulfa" from the same author.


Rabin Deka
Link to open letter outcome - http://www.geocities.com/paribhram/rk/rinikakati_04.html


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