
The disappointments are results of expectations.

To expect India to give a damn about Assam is unrealistic.

That is why, those of us who are realists and are able to read the handwriting on the walls all over the place, do not hold out such expectations. We know Assam will never be an equal partner in India. To think or hope otherwise is a delusion .


At 6:17 PM -0500 9/24/07, Rajen & Ajanta Barua wrote:
 >But research visas (they are usually for long stays with research as the
explicit reason) are almost never given to study the Northeast. Thus most
major academic work by foreigners on the region was done before

That looks like worse than under the British and that makes it a strong case for independence from India.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sanjib Baruah" <<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "A Mailing list for people interested in Assam from around the world" <<mailto:assam@assamnet.org>assam@assamnet.org>
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2007 4:31 PM
Subject: Re: [Assam] Fw: World's Ignorance About Assam:

 For Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Mizoram and Manipur foreigners need
 restricted areas permits in addition to their Indian visas. See:


 It is usually not difficult for a group of four to get it (probably not to
 Manipur) perhaps because the government thinks such a large group is
likely to be a tourists and not academics, journalists etc who might write about
 the situation in the region.

 Indians need Inner Line permits for Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram and
 Nagaland. They are issued by the Resident Commissioners of those states in
 New Delhi, Deputy Commissioners,  Liason Officers in places like Guwahati
 and Shillong.

 But research visas (they are usually for long stays with research as the
 explicit reason) are almost never given to study the Northeast. Thus most
 major academic work by foreigners on the region was done before


 On Mon, 24 Sep 2007, Ram Sarangapani wrote:

 I don't think Indian nationals need a permit (inner line) for Assam. I have
 heard its true of Arunachal Pradesh & maybe Nagaland.

 Visas are for foreigners with the exception of Bangladeshis, ISI agents and
Bangladesh Intelligence (oxymoronic:)). They are free to come and go as they
 With that in mind, I am not sure how it would be an advantage for ULFA on
 this count. Inner line or not, visa or not, it may only be meant to keep
 genuine visitors away - at least discourage them.:)

 BTW: I just checked both the Ministry of External Affairs and the Home
 Ministry (GOI) web pages. There is no mention of inner line permits for the
 NE states. Is the inner line a State issue (and not central)?


On 9/24/07, Rajen & Ajanta Barua <<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Yes, and that is  one additional strong point against GOI for ULFA and
 others to justify a separate state for the Seven Sisters.
 GOI does not know how to manage.
 What do you say?

 ----- Original Message -----
*From:* umesh sharma <<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED]> *To:* barua25 <<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ; <mailto:assam@assamnet.org>assam@assamnet.org
 *Sent:* Sunday, September 23, 2007 1:23 AM
 *Subject:* Re: [Assam] Fw: World's Ignorance About Assam:


 You are right but also the current govt rules act against tourists. You
need a visa (inner line permit ) to enter the Seven Sisters even though you may be from other parts of India ---so who would like to just take a trip to
 Assam unless they get opportunity to travel throughout NE India (Seven
 >>> SIsters) without additional red tape.


 *barua25 <<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:

 *World's Ignorance About Assam:*

 Looks like there is no limit to the world's ignorance about Assam and the
 North East India. I think we discussed the book last year in the net. This
 book is another example where the entire North East India has been skipped
 from India (may be to the delight of the insurgents).

 India Unveiled (Hardcover)
by Robert Arnett<<http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-url/103-3698267-9465440?%5Fencoding=UTF8&search-type=ss&index=books&field-author=Robert%20Arnett>(Author>http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-url/103-3698267-9465440?%5Fencoding=UTF8&search-type=ss&index=books&field-author=Robert%20Arnett>(Author

 A highly acclaimed mostly colorful book with high editorial reviews:

As promised, I put the following review (See full reviews in Amazon.com<<http://amazon.com/>http://amazon.com/>)
 for readers to know the weakness of the book:

 *Not Real India, Not Whole India:*
 "I was very disappointed in the otherwise colorful book because it did not
 address the real India nor it shows the whole India. In fact without
 discussing substance, the book has left out the entrire North East India
comprising the seven states, namely the states of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh,
 Nagaland, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram & Tripura, the so called the Seven
Sisters which is physically the most beautiful and culturally most colorful
 part of India. So I would suggest that when Mr. Robert Arnett visits India
 next time, he would kindly take the time to visit the Seven Sisters and
 unveil the beautiful North East India and complete the book showing more
 real stuff in India."

 Rajen Barua

 assam mailing list


 Umesh Sharma

 Washington D.C.

 1-202-215-4328 [Cell]

 Ed.M. - International Education Policy
 Harvard Graduate School of Education,
 Harvard University,
 Class of 2005

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<http://www.gse.harvard.edu/iep>www.gse.harvard.edu/iep (where the above 2 are used )


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