O' Baiti:

Bwlw bhalne?

Long time no hear, long time feel darn bad.

Couldn't help butting into your and sondon kai's verbal duels. Have been 
real busy around here. Usually I couldn't get into net-counseling and all 
unless it is a scheduled ask the LAS day. But taking the day off tomorrow. 
Wednesday you know? Got a Hillbilly County horse-shoe pitching tournament. 
Am a finalist. So I thought I'd spend a little time offering a few bits of 
professional advice tonight, even though I realize free advice usually does 
not carry much value.

I wouldn't get angry with SK or his baam-ukil-like hair-splitting. You have 
to consider the *source* ( even though  SK is a neighbouring village origin 
kharkhowa). You took the moral high ground on these debates effortlessly and 
are firmly dug-in ( forgive the war-metaphor, I know how you abhor 
violence). You are a credit to Texas ( Texas is big on moral high ground 
isn't it?). On the other hand look at SK and his ilk. They are apologists 
for terrorists and 'ghus-khurs. Everyboduy in Assam Net knows who is right 
and who is left, I mean wrong. THat is why I say, I won't get angry if I 
were you.

And if I must, I would avoid the anger part, instead I would get even, like 
a true Texan would. W like.

Good night Baiti. Peace!


At 9:58 PM -0500 9/30/02, Alpana Sarangapani wrote:
>".......That is where I come from A. But you are NO Badan, woman or man 
>My sincere apologies to you if I hurt your fellings however. It NEVER was
>my intention."
>C'da, Please do not apologize. It will make me feel very small.
>I am not hurt at all, just a little angry - as long as you do not combine,
>analyze and induct everybody into the group of people that I am talking
>about (even though you should have known exactly what I meant), and give
>your assumption, I will be fine.
>No, I am not including the teacher who MAY be doing private tution etc., I
>am including the people who DIRECTLY eat the public money - and those are
>NOT the ONLY people that Assam has. Assam has people that they exploit - my
>friends and family and many other poor folks - and I am arguing on behalf 
>them - then how AM I "trashing the Assamese people"?
>I will be quiet if needed, but would definitely not like to be blamed for
>something that I haven't done.
>Please do not analyze the (Obvious) reasonings and twist and drag them to
>something totally different, like a strangely challenged lawyer would do.
>And I said "like a strangely challenged", now please do not conclude that I
>called you names and/or trash all lawyers too - I want to be on the good
>side of all of you. :)
>With regards,
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Chan Mahanta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Alpana B. Sarangapani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
>Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 2:22 PM
>Subject: Re: Schools/Education in Assam
>>But what is the context here, C'da? Isn't it about them exploiting the
>>COMMON Assamese only? How are you generalizing me "trashing" the Assamese 
>>if I am doing that at all, then it is the "ghus-khur sur"s that I am doing
>>it too - and that too for them sucking the blood out of the poor ASSAMESE
>>ONLY. To me, it does not matter if the suckers are Assamese or 
>>- they are 'sur', period. Would it to you?
>>There is only 1 inch left for you to call me a woman "Badan", and sadly
>>is, in the very wrong context.
>>with regards,
>>A very disappointed - Alpana.
>*** If I read you correctly, you are saying that a lot of Assamese, those
>in power of various sorts, prey on the people of Assam. Some of these
>predators are  "ghus-khur sur"s. Others are 'terrorists'.  Yet others might
>be ordinary folks, like your school teacher, the policeman on the beat, a
>It just so happens, that most of those in power in Assam today participate
>in graft and other forms of corruption. Some do so to enrich themselves to
>obscene levels. And there are others who do that barely to survive. There
>are those who get into other such practices that might NOT be like bribery
>or stealing from the public coffers, but the net effect might be the same.
>The low-paid teacher who has to resort to private tuition, in dereliction
>of his duties at school, falls in this category. There are many more. Since
>you do not differentiate between them, do not even attempt to understand
>WHY or HOW they become what they do; and they are plenty of people, almost
>all Assamese too; the net effect is that you are trashing the Assamese
>people; perched in a high platform, safe from the forces that drive so many
>of our folks to resort to these practices.
>In that I stand by my use of the word. Even though I won't ever charge you
>of intentionally trashing the people of Assam-- all of them that is.
>The REASONS for the skyrocketting incidences of corruption are many. They
>MUST be taken into consideration in assigning culpability. And if we do not
>consider the source that breeds the conditions in which corruption is
>thriving in Assam, particularly when we KNOW what they are, then the
>finger-pointing becomes UNFAIR, even galling.
>That is where I come from A. But you are NO Badan, woman or man :-).
>My sincere apologies to you if I hurt your fellings however. It NEVER was
>my intention.

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