If you say people are with you, prove it at the hustings: PM to Naxals



HYDERABAD, AUGUST 21: Days after the YSR Reddy government ended a year-long truce with Left wing extremist groups and revived the ban in Andhra Pradesh, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today challenged the Naxalites to test their ‘‘popularity’’ at the hustings.

If their movement, Singh said in Hyderabad today, truly had people’s support, they should try and change the system through democratic means. ‘‘Every political group that claims to represent the interests of people or of a section must test its popularity at the hustings. Go and ask people to vote for you. Come to legislatures and enact the laws that you wish to see in place.’’

‘‘The power of people in a democracy flows through the ballot box and not from the barrel of gun. I have said this to the Hurriyat in Kashmir, ULFA in Assam and Naxalites in Andhra Pradesh—there is no grievance that cannot be redressed through democratic means and sustained dialogue,’’ Singh said at a seminar on ‘‘Press and the Nation’ organised by the CPI(M) organ Prajasakti.

The Prime Minister made it clear that terror tactics would not be tolerated. ‘‘Faced with terror tactics, the government will have no other option than to fight such groups and their ideology of hatred. Extremism of any form, based on any divisive ideology, cannot be tolerated in any civilised democratic society,’’ he said.







His warning comes on the heels of an upsurge in Naxal violence after a year’s respite and two rounds of peace talks. Congress MLA C Narsi Reddy and nine others were killed in Narayanpet on Independence Day.

Singh pointed out that even Gadar, Naxal emissary and balladeer, had admitted to a TV channel that the killing of innocent people did not help win a cause. ‘‘This is an important liberal principle. Our democracy allows us freedom to champion our cause and win people over to our point of view,’’ he said


Can read http://www.thestatesman.net/page.news.php?clid=1&theme=&usrsess=1&id=87190 also.





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