>         BASR  15,0
>         USING  (*,NOMORE1),15
>         STORAGE RELEASE,ADDR=(4),LENGTH=(0),KEY=9,SP=241
>NOMORE1  DS     0H

No one has mentioned, as an aside, that this is not the proper thing to do
for macros such as STORAGE when you have no code addressability.

Simply code, as you should do anyway both for correctness and for better
(or SYSSTATE ARCHLVL=1 if somehow your code can run on a z/OS release
earlier than z/OS 1.6)

The macro needs addressability only to the literal pool in that case (and,
more, using of register 15 as a base reg across a macro is very very very
dangerous, as the macro might use register 15 at any point in its

By the way, I hope this was not going to be run on a production system
because allocating key 9 CSA is a system integrity exposure.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

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