> But to be clear, there is no internal way to determine the difference
> between STCK time and UTC/GMT. The clock is presumed to be set to UTC,
> and those CVT fields are set to the offset(s) of local time from UTC. But
> there is nothing to prevent an installation from setting TOD clock to
> whatever they want, and indeed a surprising number of shops seem to still
> set it to local time, though the practice has been deprecated for decades.

Yes, I understand. I used to do that myself, when I was a rookie.

> Note that because CVTLDTO changes periodically and CVTLSO
> changes secularly, this procedure is not correct for
> timestamps stored in log files.

I won't be using this on historical data so I think that I'm OK.

> And it doesn't provide the identifier.

Rats. I guess I'll just use "Local".

Thanks again, all.

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