
It seems I mangled the code a bit while copying it from the mainframe via 
notepad to Outlook (the asymmetry is a clue).  The correct code is:

DO    FROM=(R2,)
  LMG   R0,R1,0(,R4)      Load 16 source bytes
  LA    R4,16(,R4)
  RISBG R0,R0,06,11,02    aaabbbb0ccc0ddd0eee0fff0ggg0hhh0
  RISBG R1,R1,06,11,02    aaabbbb0ccc0ddd0eee0fff0ggg0hhh0
  RISBG R0,R0,12,17,04    aaabbbccccc0ddd0eee0fff0ggg0hhh0
  RISBG R1,R1,12,17,04    aaabbbccccc0ddd0eee0fff0ggg0hhh0
  RISBG R0,R0,18,23,06    aaabbbcccdddddd0eee0fff0ggg0hhh0
  RISBG R1,R1,18,23,06    aaabbbcccdddddd0eee0fff0ggg0hhh0
  RISBG R0,R0,24,29,08    aaabbbcccdddeee0eee0fff0ggg0hhh0
  RISBG R1,R1,24,29,08    aaabbbcccdddeee0eee0fff0ggg0hhh0
  RISBG R0,R0,30,35,10    aaabbbcccdddeeefffe0fff0ggg0hhh0
  RISBG R1,R1,30,35,10    aaabbbcccdddeeefffe0fff0ggg0hhh0
  RISBG R0,R0,36,41,12    aaabbbcccdddeeefffgggff0ggg0hhh0
  RISBG R1,R1,36,41,12    aaabbbcccdddeeefffgggff0ggg0hhh0
  RISBG R0,R0,42,47,14    aaabbbcccdddeeefffggghhhggg0hhh0
  RISBG R1,R1,42,47,14    aaabbbcccdddeeefffggghhhggg0hhh0
  STG   R0,0(R6)          Store 6 databytes
  STG   R1,6(R6)          Store 6 databytes
  LA    R6,12(,R6)

> I would change the last two STG instructions - first R1 and then R0, because 
> R0 is the last reg used by a RISBG instruction.

That was taken into account in the (correct verion of) the code... But thanks 
for sharing your thoughts; I still don't understand what's going on here...

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