> It seems that you want an option like AUTOTRUNC rather than a TYPECHECK 
> sub-option, which is intended to reduce confusion about what one might
> expect from different forms of immediate operand in some instructions.

Whatever the name, I want to be able to code for example:

  MVI   field,12345678

And end up with the truncated value x'4E' in 'field'. I agree this should 
controlled by some ACONTROL option so I it can be turned on before- and turned 
off after a particular source line or -block.

> Can you use something like this to store just the low-order 8 bits?
>        LA      0,FQC7001_E_CREATE_DOCUMENT
>        STC     0,FQC7001_OP+3

I could, but I don't want the executable code to 'suffer' (or just change) 
because of some syntax issue in the assembler. I know what code I want (a 
single MVI instruction) but need to find the best (most readable and 
maintainable) way to express it in HLASM. I feel we're missing an ACONTROL 
option to convey the message as clearly as possible to the assembler itself and 
future human readers.

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