> I have yet to find that VSE-customer that pays for Vendor-software and
> has no money for hardware or operating-system-software AND demands
> new features.
We have several that meet this requirement. Think about the VSE 2.6 on
P390 ESL boxes.

Tony Thigpen

-----Original Message -----
 From: Martin Trübner
 Sent: 06/04/2012 03:27 AM
... said enough, maybe too much, about this topic

Since the thread is still not dead- here is my point:

Use of relative&  immediate feature is the way to go. The time it takes
to convert a module from Bxx type to Jxxx is neglectable in comparison
to finding an unused register (or restructuring to get one).

The major roadblock is codealterations (switches in code) = not
reentrant. Which I assume is not the case for a IRREVX01 exit
(shudder: and sold as a part of a product).

And to those refusing to use "new" techniques. How old has a feature to
be to be usable for code? This is more than 17 years old (*).

I have yet to find that VSE-customer that pays for Vendor-software and
has no money for hardware or operating-system-software AND demands
new features.

(*) I have been bitten by a DR machine that did not have the feature
some 17 years ago- it might be around longer.


Pi_cap_CPU - all you ever need around MWLC/SCRT/CMT in z/VSE
more at http://www.picapcpu.de

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