I believe unauthorized commands run at or below the TCB where the TSO
environment was establish. If you have multiple TSO environments running in a
single address space (ATTACH, IKJTSOEV or IKJEFTSR), then commands can run at
the same time. I've seen commands in a wait but the other exec's and commands
continued to run.

As for authorized commands and the parallel TMP, I've never specifically looked
at how it works or what get's delayed. Where can I find information about this?

Jon Perryman

----- Original Message ----
> From: Binyamin Dissen <bdis...@dissensoftware.com>
> > TSO also  changes TCB authorization that violates standard APF
> In what way? A command runs at the top level and when the  parallel TMP runs
> stops the standard session.
> :>                                                            I suspect that
>violating the  jobstep
> :>requirements would create an exposure which is not corrected  by
> The TMP does leave bits and pieces laying  around. It has been a while since I
> looked at it but there was a bit of  cleaning up required after the TMP ended
> if you wished to restart  it.

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