I have a Z/os Assembler Started task acting as a TCP/IP Server to Windows 
TCP/IP Client the Windows API is in MFC I have the same basic functionality on 
the Assembler Server Start task as the on the Windows Client

I am hoping to have the Assembler Started task code call a C DLL,  On the 
Windows end it would be C/C+ code calling the DLL obviously there are 
differences because of the platform but I am guessing hose call be handled by 

In Windows Loading the DLL is a LoadLibrary Api then GetProcAddress to get the 

I am not sure how to do this in Assembler is there a LoadLibrary Macro or a 
GetProcAddress macro to call the exported function


 -----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Assembler List <ASSEMBLER-LIST@LISTSERV.UGA.EDU> On Behalf 
Of Jon Perryman
Sent: Tuesday, July 2, 2019 4:56 PM
Subject: Re: C DLL Code from Assembler

 I assume your question has not been answered and you are asking a question 
because something is not plain and simple. Is this about how to call a C 
program/function from assembler? Is this about calling assembler from a C 
program? Is it about calling C++ object methods (functions) from assembler. Are 
you thinking there is a naming conflict or something about binder name 
    On Tuesday, July 2, 2019, 01:20:24 PM PDT, Joseph Reichman 
<reichman...@gmail.com> wrote:  
 Plain and simple I need to write code the majority of which is same in both a 
windows platform and z/os hence C/C++ I can encapsulate the different function 
and export them 

In z/os it would be called from Assembler in Windows from MFC C/C++

> On Jul 2, 2019, at 4:09 PM, Jon Perryman <jperr...@pacbell.net> wrote:
> This is really vague and I think there may be some misunderstanding of 
> terminology. 
> Why are you asking about Metal/C? Is there some importance to this? MetalC 
> may be missing functions you need. MetalC is an implementation of C that can 
> be used within z/OS (e.g. SMF routines). Several functions are missing 
> because they are not compatible within the OS (e.g. dllload because it does 
> an MVS load).
> Why are you discussing DLL? MetalC can be part of a DLL but a MetalC program 
> is not designed to call a DLL. Other than implementation and benefits of how 
> a specific function is called, this information may be more co ?
> You mention #IFDEF to exclude/include C code but you do not mention how it's 
> important. The information too vague to recommend alternatives. Maybe a C++ 
> object would eliminate the need for it. Maybe a structure with callback 
> addresses would work. 
> You mention I/O and TCP. Also vague as to their importance to your question. 
> I'm guessing that you are asking how to get assembler and C working together. 
> You seem to be saying a z/OS assembler program will call different C 
> functions and a Windows program will call those same C functions. Or maybe 
> you are saying you have a C program that calls different functions based on 
> some data (where z/OS will use an assembler program to get that data).
> If you didn't get the answer you need, then maybe you could restate the 
> question. 
> Regards, Jon.
>  On Monday, July 1, 2019, 02:40:21 PM PDT, Joseph Reichman 
><reichman...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have most of it written in Assembler as .a TCP/IP server
> With Windows being the client it issues command to the tcp/ip server 
> Each command is in a CSECT
> In this Assembler CSECT I would like to call the C DLL to open read 
> the file
> In Windows I would be displaying it in a rich edit
> The stream in callback would call the DLL to do the same seems like 
> most of the code is similar besides the actual I/O
>> On Jul 1, 2019, at 5:26 PM, Charles Mills <charl...@mcn.org> wrote:
>> Can you do the whole process in C? When I first tried to move myself 
>> from doing everything in assembler I kept hoping to dimp my toe into 
>> doing little bits and pieces in C, and that never worked out. What 
>> worked out was writing the whole darned thing in C, and then using 
>> assembler for a few little bits and pieces where necessary.
>> Something AMODE 31 C does wonderfully is dataset I/O, and does it in 
>> a way that is for the most part -- depending on exactly what you are 
>> trying to accomplish -- compatible with Windows C.
>> Charles
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: IBM Mainframe Assembler List 
>> On Behalf Of Joseph Reichman
>> Sent: Monday, July 1, 2019 2:04 PM
>> Subject: Re: C DLL Code from Assembler
>> I am trying to read a VB file
>> First of my Assembler code is RMODE31 So I anyway have to call 
>> something below the line to open to read to close so each of these 
>> could be a DLL export
>> The Z/os data I hope to save in a data space The windows in the 
>> global heap
>> The processing is similar outside of the I/O Can I use Metal C for 
>> this
>> Thanks
>>> On Jul 1, 2019, at 4:56 PM, Charles Mills <charl...@mcn.org> wrote:
>>> I have written a bunch of Z and Windows "system" software in C++ so 
>>> I
>> think
>>> I am qualified to answer this question.
>>> I don't think I know enough to judge the overall practicality of 
>>> this approach. Some things are nearly identical on Z and Windows: 
>>> TCP comes to mind. Some things are radically different: panel-based 
>>> user interface
>> comes
>>> to mind.
>>> I am not crazy about #ifdef's. I am a C outlier in that regard. I 
>>> use
>> #ifdef
>>> where I have to but prefer (a.) two different libraries with common 
>>> functionality and prototypes; and (b.) a run-time switch (assuming 
>>> the bypassed code compiles on both machines and providing the code 
>>> path is not super time-critical).
>>> I would not preclude the use of "real" (LE) C. One could argue that 
>>> it is Metal C that has no equivalent on Windows. The equivalents of 
>>> the services of LE are available from the Windows runtime and OS. 
>>> Whether it is
>> "doable"
>>> without LE would depend on what functionality you are trying to
>> accomplish.
>>> Charles
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: IBM Mainframe Assembler List
>>> On Behalf Of Joseph Reichman
>>> Sent: Monday, July 1, 2019 1:25 PM
>>> Subject: C DLL Code from Assembler
>>> Hi
>>> I have some code the majority of which I would like to duplicate on 
>>> a Windows platform. It occurred to me that if I write the code as  a  
>>> C/C++ DLL the changes most of which I can segregate with a #ifdef.
>>> Is this doable using Metal C or do I have to use language 
>>> environment. I
>> am
>>> looking to call the DLL entry points from assembler
>>> Thanks      

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