On Jan 26, 2022, at 10:57:44, Tom Marchant wrote:
> ATTACH(X) always passes a 144-byte save area since about z/OS 2.3.
> EXEC PGM= invokes your program with ATTACH.
When did the rules change?  In days of yore I was led to believe that any 
that could be invoked with /STEP EXEC PGM=...  could instead be invoked by LINK
With a 72-byte save area.  In fact, ini Assembler Services Guide V2R5, I read:

    • Caller-provided save area
        A calling program provides its target program with a 72-byte register 
        save area unless the target program's interface requirements are
        otherwise specified..

That's a big "unless".  In the case of APAR OA44581 IBM stepped on its own toes
by changing BPXBATCH to use a 144-byte save area.  IBM recovered by changing one
caller to provide 144 bytes.  But what about compatibility with existing
customer code?  Rather, IBM should have modified  BPXBATCH to save low halves;
obtain 144 bytes; then save the entire registers.

In this thread I have read too much "As any fool kin plainly see!" from experts,
including IBM.  It ain't that plain!


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