On Mon, 01 Jul 2013 13:54:25 -0600 you coerced some electrons to say:

> Hi,
> I'd like to change the name of the project slightly...
> When I first started it, it didn't do anything but monitoring.  Now it
> does Discovery, which is more valuable for most people, and there's less
> competition for this in open source projects.
> So, I'd like to change Monitoring to Management - which also leaves the
> doors open for any variety of future directions.
> Thoughts?  Kudos?  Objections?

Well, I'd have to think of it as a "forward looking" name change. It seems
to me that discovery and monitoring are but two (rather small, albeit
important) components of device and server "Management". So, +1 from here,
with the hope that it learns more about management down the road...



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